Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. How do I buy coach handbag from your website?

    The short answer is you can not buy from our site because we do not sell anything on our website. However, you can buy from other reputable websites such as amazon thru the affiliate links on our site.

    The long answer is we are a price tracking service that monitor coach handbag prices from the official coach outlet sales event online. We do not sell any coach products and we are not affiliated with coach. We provide coach price information on our website so that buyers can compare prices and make informed decision when they choose to buy a coach product from any retailers, department stores or websites.

  2. Where do you recommend us to buy coach products?

    The short answer is buy direct from,, coach retail stores and coach outlet stores.

    You can see the long answer here: A Guide To Buy Authentic Coach Handbags

  3. When is the best time to buy coach handbags?

    The short answer is during the coach sales event on They have great selection at extremely tempting prices.

    For the long answer, you can find it here: A Guide To Buy Authentic Coach Handbags

  4. How do I buy from the coach sales event online?

    The short answer is sign up on and wait for their invitation email.

    The long answer is please following this guide to Get Your Coach Outlet Invite.

  5. What is the coach outlet sales event?

    Coach regularly hosts 2 to 3 sales events every month in their coach outlet stores and their outlet website The sales event is by invitation only for In order to gain access to their online sales event, you need to sign up to their mailing list, then get an invite to register an account, then wait for invitation to participate in their sales event.

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